Makedo is a fun, kid-safe toolset that transforms cardboard into creative projects! In this post, I’ll share what you need to get started and ideas for simple, engaging activities using Makedo and recycled cardboard. Let’s dive in!

makedo construction kit

What is Makedo?

Simply put - amazing and engaging! If you haven’t seen Makedo, is a set of kid-safe construction tools to use with pieces of cardboard.

What Do You Need?

On the Makedo website, you can find Scru-Drivers, Safe-Saws, Fold-Rollers, Scrus, and Connectors…or kits with everything included, After you have the tools, you just need cardboard! You can also buy all the tools on Amazon.

So, collect up your Amazon boxes, or cardboard packaging you would normally toss in the recycling bin. (Just so you know…the grey and black tools you’ll see below are the old versions, and the yellow tools are the new version. Same functions, just updated, more colourful look!

What can you do with a Makedo Kit and Some Cardboard?

  • Just have fun! Set out the tools and the carboard and sit back and watch your students or children have fun. (Disclaimer: you probably won’t be able to sit back and watch - you’ll want to join in!)

  • Cutting on lines. Draw lines on pieces of cardboard so kids can practice cutting with the saws.

  • Make a pattern with screws. Draw a shape outline, and dots to indicate where to attach the screws.

  • Create moveable creations. Attach small pieces of cardboard together using screws.

  • Build a fort! If you have large pieces of cardboard, kids can cut and attach them together to create a structure.

  • Gingerbread Houses Cut and design 2D or 3D gingerbread houses. After you’re finished building, you can get creative with design skills! Check out our Makedo Gingerbread Houses

Makedo Pros

  • Great for fine motor skills

  • Develops problem solving skills

  • Easy to set up, and incorporate into many different subject areas

Makedo Cons

  • Can get a bit messy….but at least they are having fun!

  • Taking out all of the screws yourself (LOL. I often run out of time for the kiddos to do this)

Storage Tips

I store each Makedo tool in a different plastic container. This makes it easy for kids to sort and tidy the tools efficiently at the end of the session. I often pour out the tools on plastic trays for easy access for students. (The blue trays in the pictures above are from Dollar Tree )

After reading, I hope you’re excited to have a Makedo kit in your life! Have fun designing and creating!


P.S. Let me know below if you have more ideas for Makedo creations!


I love making life easier for classroom teachers and teacher-librarians with fun ideas and engaging resources!




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