Fun Plant Life Cycle Activities for Kids

Engage your students with some fun and easy plant activities! Learn about the plant life cycle through informational slideshows, printables and books!

I hope you're enjoying the warmer seasons in your area and witnessing the beautiful blooming of nature around you. Children are often intrigued by the life cycle of plants, so I've compiled a few fun ideas and activities for you and your students!

The Basics: Plant Life Cycle Lesson

You’ve probably noticed that it is often hard to find engaging science resources for young students that are simplified and easy to read. To solve this problem, I created a simple lesson to explain the steps of the plant life cycle. This resource includes both information slides and comprehension slides to check for understanding. If you’re a Boom Card user, this resource is also available as a Boom deck and each card has audio instructions. 

Follow-Up: Matching Printables

So you’re all done with the basics and you are looking for follow-up activities? The Plant Life Cycle Google Slides and Plant Life Cycle Boom Cards from above also include 5 printables to engage students and further their learning. This printable set is differentiated for K-2 students and includes cut-and-paste, matching, tracing and more.

Keep Learning: Plant Books

I LOVE sharing non-fiction books with my students to introduce topics or continue our learning. Even if your younger learners don’t fully understand all of the information, these books can be used in small sections at different times. The photographs are also a great resource for learning!

These are some of my favourite books about plants and their life cycle. (Click to see the titles and author list.) You can also find a lot of titles on Epic Books!


I know you’ll be ready to dig into plants with your students with these ideas. They are simple ways to pique curiosity and inspire you and your students to grow some plants of your own. I don’t have a green thumb, so I’ll leave that part to you!

Check out these Butterfly Life Cycle resources to continue learning after plants!

Also, enjoy this Duck Life Cycle FREEBIE!

Happy spring!



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